Eine Erfolgsgeschichte seit 1996
Die einzige konstante finanzielle Abdeckung der Barfuss-Schule seit 2008
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Juli 7, 2024
Dear Friends and Partners,
Delayed by a cholera outbreak, Barefoot Chisankano Community School commenced Term One 2024 on 12th February. Despite this setback, the children and teachers remained healthy, for which we are grateful. Due to the circumstances, the term was less active than usual.
Weekly school assemblies, a tradition, occurred every Tuesday. Uniquely, each academic level undertook presentations each week, providing both educational and entertaining content.
SCHOOL GARDEN The School garden thrived this term, yielding a bountiful harvest of various vegetables. In preparation for the upcoming term, tomatoes, eggplants, Chinese cabbage, pumpkin leaves, okra, sweet potato leaves, spring onions, green pepper, and English giant rape have been replanted. Additionally, three pawpaw trees and one avocado tree have been added to the orchard.
Despite the delayed start, the faith sharing program continued seamlessly. Lessons on baptism and first holy communion for Catholic pupils began in the third week, with similar meetings conducted for pu pils of other faiths.
The inter-house athletics event took place on 12th April, proving to be a lively and engaging experience. Not only excelling academically but also in co-curricular activities, our pupils participated in a spirited competition among the four school houses, resulting in the Blue House securing the top spot, trailed by Yellow, Green, and Red Houses respectively. The day concluded with a special meal for all pupils.
This term’s feeding program was commendable, featuring fresh vegetables, soya pieces, eggs, and chicken during special occasions. The pupils appreciated and benefited from the nutritious meals provided.
The Bicycles Donated by MIVA for the Children who walked from far-away places to School.
Since its inception, the School has had no vehicle but we thank God for the new Vehicle, which was co-funded by MIVA and Barefoot foundation. We are indeed grateful for these precious gifts. May God bless you all our Donors for your generosity and Love.
Despite the country’s cholera challenges, Barefoot Chisankano Community School kept at prioritizing good hygiene and environmental cleanliness. The term progressed smoothly with lessons conducted on school days and reduced on time for extracurricular activities. Looking ahead, there are aspirations for improvement in the upcoming term, which commences on 6th May 2024 following the term’s closure on 26th April.
Sr Susan on the left celebrated her 50TH
Thank you very much to all our Donors, God bless you all
Sr Susan Mwamba
PS. All our pupils passed to go to grade eight ,17 PUPILS have been accepted to go to Fatima Secondary school is run by our Sisters and the 8 PUPILs were accepted at Yengwe Secondary School its run by the Government. Excellent results. [...]
Januar 9, 2023Eines Tages ging ich zur welken Rose hin.
Die Sonne strich zart über ihre weichen und welken Blätter.
Und ich sah, dass sie bald sterben würde.
«Hast du Angst vor dem Tod?», fragte ich sie.
«Aber nein, ich habe doch gelebt.
Ich habe geblüht und meine Kräfte eingesetzt, so viel ich konnte.
Kann man mehr von mir verlangen?
Und Liebe, tausendfach verschenkt, kehrt zurück zu dem, der sie gegeben.
So will ich warten auf das neue Leben und ohne Angst und Verzagen verblühn».
Roland Leonhardt [...]
Extra co-curricular activities are important in the school calendar. On the 25th of March we held an inter-house competition for our learners as some might not be academically good but might be good in sport activities. The school has four sports houses and these are; red, yellow, green and blue houses. In preparation for the sports day teachers were given responsibilities to organise and train the participants. Red house had Sr Susan OP, Mr Mushili and Mr Chipili, green house had Mss Kabuswe and Mss Noria, blue house had Mss Chola and Mss Sakala and lastly, yellow houses was led by Mr Lubinda and Ruth O.P
Looking at the different age groups, our athletes were categorised in two groups juniors and seniors. The following list is how the programme was lined up.
100meters sprint
Junior boys and girls
Senior boys and girls
Junior boys and girls
Senior boys and girls
Junior boys and girls
Senior boys and girls
Junior boys and girls
Senior boys and girls
Junior boys and girls
Senior boys and girls
2 laps
Junior boys and girls
3 laps
Senior girls
5 laps
Senior boys
Participants participated according to the outlined list above. The competition was stiff learners gave their best shot. The day was colourful, pupils as well as teachers wore colours of their houses they belonged to. At every competition there’s always a winner and a loser, totals were made and the scoring were as follows;
Yellow house-158 points, Blue house -111 points, Green house -109points, Red house -96 points
From the point’s accumulated yellow house imaged as winners of the competition. We broke off for lunch to the school dinning. We were served nshima and chicken with a drink and mineral water. The pupils were very happy and thanked all the people who made it possible for them to have such wonderful treat.
After the delicious meal, we went back to the football pitch for some ball games. Football was played as well as netball for the girl.
In a nutshell we can confidently say that sports is very important in one’s life as it keeps the body in shape and good health. The best runners were picked and they will be awarded accordingly. [...]
April 7, 2022Rückblick auf den Besuch im Nsobe Game Park
Im September nahmen wir mit unseren Schülern an der Kennenlernreise zum Nsobe Game Park teil markieren das Ende des Jubiläumsjahres.
Einen englischen Bericht darüber mit vielen Fotos befindet sich hier.
Hier kann man einmal einen Blick in die aktuellen Stundenpläne der verschiedenen Klassen werfen.
Toiletten für die Lehrpersonen
Seit Neuem habe die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen der Barfuss-Schule ihre eigenen Toiletten. Hier gibt es einige Bilder dazu. [...]
Oktober 26, 2021Ein Höhepunkt in unserem Silbernen Jubiläums Jahr, 2021, war der Ausflug nach Nsobe.
Nsobe Game Camp liegt etwa 60 km südlich von Ndola in einem unberührten Miombo
Waldgebiet. Ein wunderschöner Damm bietet Lebensraum für viele Fische. Über 300
Vogelarten wurden schon gesichtet. Zebras, Warzenschweine, Affen, Reptilien, verschiedene
nachtaktive Tiere und 15 Antilopen Arten leben dort in freier Wildbahn. Bisher haben unsere
Kinder, die aus sehr ärmlichen Verhältnissen kommen, solche Tiere nur auf Bildern gesehen.
Jetzt bekamen sie die Gelegenheit die reiche Natur ihrer Heimat zu erleben.
Weiterlesen [...]
August 11, 2021Greetings from Barefoot-Chisankano Community School. We want to furnish you with what we have done this year. (from January to July 2021) We have had an amazing journey despite the Covid-19 pandemic.
We opened school on the 1st of February, 2021 and we thank God that all the learners and the members of staff were in good health. The term was quite an experience as we did some interesting activities that were beneficial to the school.
Normal lessons were conducted as usual, on 17th of February, we had tree planting for silver jubilee. We planted twenty five trees to mark the existence of Barefoot-Chisankano Community School. The school also organized a day of peace and unity for the learners and on the same day which was March 4th, we had a privilege of blessing the grotto by Father Jossepe, a Neo-catechumen (Luendo) priest. Mass was conducted and this was an incredible experience for the school.
In the same month the school invited professional Art experts (Mr. Chiyeso Danny and the team) to teach the learners about art specifically drawing and painting. The lessons were conducted for a week because each class was given the whole day learning about drawing and painting. Each class drew and painted their own drawing of their choice. On the last day of 10th March, the school held an art exhibition and the drawings were displayed on the school walls. We danced and sang with the learners. In attendance was sister Gabrielle and the Art team. The pupils who drew and painted outstanding pictures won prizes and certificates were given to all the pupils.
We had food throughout the first and the second term, we also planted different types of vegetables in readiness for the next term and at the same time to sustain our feeding program. We successfully harvested our groundnuts and maize.
Despite all the good things we experienced, we also had some challenges in conducting our planned activities, like doing charity work at the hospital and visiting the old people in our community. We wanted to take up such activities in remembering you our sponsors, who are doing much for us and for our existence here at Barefoot. We hope that with the introduction of covid vaccine, the disease will reduce so that next term we can accomplish what we have planned for our jubilee year.
Imagine this second term which seemed to be bright, turned out a challenge, the numbers of covid-19 cases increased by hundreds, thousands and as such we were told to close prematurely for two weeks but now we are told the schools will resume on 16th August, and l hope and pray that it will be so because on the 12th August there will be presidential elections. My prayer is that everything should come to normal as soon as possible.
On behalf of the pupils, teachers and the supporting staff, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to you for all the support and sustenance we have received from you in the course of 2021 and the previous years. May the Lord grant you heavenly blessings, good health and joy.
Yours sincerely,
Sr. Martha Phiri O.P
25th July, 2021. [...]
März 22, 2021Die 25. Geburtagsfeier erstreckt sich über verschiedene Projekte. Eins davon ist der Art Workshop, der diese und vorige Woche stattfand. Danny Chiyesu war der Leiter und hat das ganz toll gemacht. Er hat den Kindern nicht nur Theorie und praktische Anwendung gegeben, sondern auch seine eigene Begeisterung auf Lehrer und Schüler übertragen. Immer wieder betonte er das Motto: I can do it. Als ich gestern zur Barfuss Schule kam, da war echt viel Leben. Da wurde gezeichnet, gemalt, calabashes angestrichen oder not Samen belegt, Bilder sortiert, trad. Tänze eingeübt, Lieder gelernt und die Lehrer machten fröhlich mit.
Am Nachmittag, nach einem guten Mittagessen, gab es eine Ausstellung und eine Vorführung von Tänzen und Liedern. Jedes Kind bekam ein Certificate of Participation. Es gab auch Auszeichnungen für besonders gelungene Arbeit und am Ende ein Paket Milkit drink für alle. Man merkte den Kindern an, dass es ein guter Tag für sie war. Stolz trugen sie ihre Bilder heim.
The Artist, Mr Danny Chiyesu, admires the children’s work: painting gourds
using seeds in artwork
Certificates of participation for all
Certificate and price for special performance [...]
Februar 15, 2021Kurznachricht aus der Barfussschule:
So sieht das neue Klassenzimmer jetzt aus, voll mit Computern. Jetzt können unsere Kinder lernen.
Stephen und Kabamba arbeiten gut zusammen.
Die zweite Seite wird angeschlossen [...]
August 12, 2020Zurück
In der letzten Juliwoche 2020 sind die neuen Schulmöbel geliefert worden: 90 Tische und 90 Stühle. Dazu kamen 3 Lehrerpulte und 3 Lehrerstühle, eine gratis Zugabe der Firma Pyramid Brushware. Lehrer und die anwesenden Kinder haben sich sehr gefreut und waren sofort da um beim Ausladen zu helfen. Jetzt haben alle Klassenzimmer neue Möbel, ausser Level 1. Das ist die zahlenmässig grösste Klasse und der Raum ist zu klein um genug Tische und Stühle unterzubringen. Die Dopplelsitzer müssen da bleiben, für die Kinder vielleicht auch ein Anreiz sich auf die nächste Klasse zu freuen wo es die schönen Tische gibt.
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