Extra co-curricular activities are important in the school calendar. On the 25th of March we held an inter-house competition for our learners as some might not be academically good but might be good in sport activities. The school has four sports houses and these are; red, yellow, green and blue houses. In preparation for the sports day teachers were given responsibilities to organise and train the participants. Red house had Sr Susan OP, Mr Mushili and Mr Chipili, green house had Mss Kabuswe and Mss Noria, blue house had Mss Chola and Mss Sakala and lastly, yellow houses was led by Mr Lubinda and Ruth O.P

Looking at the different age groups, our athletes were categorised in two groups juniors and seniors. The following list is how the programme was lined up.
- 100meters sprint
Junior boys and girls
Senior boys and girls
- 400meters
Junior boys and girls
Senior boys and girls
- Relay
Junior boys and girls
Senior boys and girls
Junior boys and girls
Senior boys and girls
- 400meters
Junior boys and girls
Senior boys and girls
- 2 laps
Junior boys and girls
- 3 laps
Senior girls
- 5 laps
Senior boys
Participants participated according to the outlined list above. The competition was stiff learners gave their best shot. The day was colourful, pupils as well as teachers wore colours of their houses they belonged to. At every competition there’s always a winner and a loser, totals were made and the scoring were as follows;
Yellow house-158 points, Blue house -111 points, Green house -109points, Red house -96 points
From the point’s accumulated yellow house imaged as winners of the competition. We broke off for lunch to the school dinning. We were served nshima and chicken with a drink and mineral water. The pupils were very happy and thanked all the people who made it possible for them to have such wonderful treat.

After the delicious meal, we went back to the football pitch for some ball games. Football was played as well as netball for the girl.
In a nutshell we can confidently say that sports is very important in one’s life as it keeps the body in shape and good health. The best runners were picked and they will be awarded accordingly.